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Listening to a Dream

Country RoadA few posts back I touched a little bit on the prophetic and how I started keeping prophetic words that I had received from others. And I know that some of you reading this may not believe in the prophetic. I’m not claiming to be a prophetic person, in fact when I was heavily involved in the church and in more charismatic circles I was always hesitant to say “the Lord says” or “God is saying”. Maybe it was a lack of faith or just me covering my butt, I just never felt comfortable about it. I think that there are different ways God chooses to use the gift of prophecy with His people. For me it has been in a few different ways, but one of them has been through my dreams.

The first time I really noticed this was during March of 1987. It was the March break and my family and I had gone to Timmins to visit my grandparents. My dad was going ice fishing with one of his long time friends and they were going to be flying into a lake for the day. That night I had a dream that the plane crashed and that people were killed. I woke up and didn’t know what to do or think. I was 9 at the time and figured it was a bad dream and went back to sleep. Well to my relief, my dad and his friend made it back that night, and I forgot about that dream, until a month later. We got a call early one morning and it was the wife of the man my dad had been fishing with. He went out the day before in his plane to go ice fishing and didn’t come home. We later that night found out that he had crashed his plane and died along with at least one other man. I was shaken by this, I hadn’t told anyone about that dream until that day when I told my mom. She explained that sometimes God gives us dreams as warnings of things that God wants to us to pray about or prepare for.

Over the years, I’ve been woken by dreams like that a few times. And immediately prayed about the situation. I assume that my prayers were answered in the other circumstances because the people I have had dreams about are safe. I recently had a number of dreams about someone I know in a situation where there was potential for real danger and even death. I prayed about the situation and asked God for His protection to surround this person. Until this series of dreams I’d never seen the answer to my prayers as clearly as I just have. I recently found out that this individual was in a situation where someone lost their life and that they could have potentially died as well. I strongly believe that God allowed me to have those dreams in order to pray and intercede for that situation.

So what is the purpose in sharing this with you? Well I guess it is to say that sometimes we need to pay attention to that still small voice or to our dreams, because it could be God asking you to pray for something or someone.

  1. Ryan
    January 13, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    LOVE this… Acts 2:17 baby!!!!

    • January 13, 2011 at 4:56 pm

      Are you calling me an old man Ryan? 😉

  2. Amanda Leonard
    January 13, 2011 at 9:51 pm

    Thanks for sharing Eric. Really cool! You have a big heart(under that bald head of yours) so it’s no wonder God would speak to you in a dream to pray for someone’s safety!

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